Showing posts with label M/M. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M/M. Show all posts

Friday 3 April 2020

Friday Fics Fix - Cops and Ghosties

'“I’m just saying if you’re so desperate to help people, you could have been a fireman. What they lack in brutality they make up for with sex appeal and basic levels of empathy.”

“Can’t stop murderers with a hose.”

“Not with that attitude.” Klaus shrugged...'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Confession time: I haven't finished reading this week's fic! *gasps*

#BadBookBlogger #FangirlingSins

In my defence, this b**ch is over 300 pages, and I'm on the last chapter!

But if I don't get this post written now, then I know it ain't gonna happen. (Your girl is gonna face-plant the laptop keyboard if she keeps this up. #RestAndRechargeTime)

Friday 27 March 2020

Friday Fics Fix - It Made Me Laugh, So I Had To

'Tony walks in, sees the two of them facing one another, Steve’s arms folded, hears about half a second of their conversation, and about-faces with military precision before walking back out.'  

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

This fic made me laugh - so of course, I had to rec. it.

Like, I was planning on going for another fandom this week - or at least not another Stucky fic but... *shrugs* this fic is what I found.

And I really liked it.

Friday 20 March 2020

Friday Fics Fix - In Times of Trouble, Turn To Stucky

 ***All links in this post are commission links. This means I earn commission from purchases made in the US*** 

Please do not use my links to make UK purchases.

'“You mean after spending half the day thinking my ex-boyfriend was dead and then finding out that he’s alive but also a wanted criminal? I’m not doing great honestly!”'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

I mean... in times of trouble, we should always turn to Stucky.

The world is somehow a little better when Captain America has a boyfriend. Obviously.

...And the most likely boyfriend (hell, the most likely romantic partner full stop #FightMe) for our dear Steve Rogers is Bucky Barnes.

Sorry,  alternative shippers. Your ships have value, but I can't be convinced. 😉

Friday 14 February 2020

Friday Fics Fix - Roses Are Good Omens

'“Come to my flat for drinks tomorrow?” He forces a casualness to his voice that he does not feel. “I’ve got a bottle of Glenfiddich I’ve had since 1937 and it’s about time you left the bookshop for something other than pastries and feeding ducks.”'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shapes

So... I wasn't going to do a Valentine's post.

Partly because I don't like to get overly-smooshy. 

Partly because, given my experiences with overly-explicit, sexual, holiday-related fics...

- If fandom can do that kind of thing with Halloween, think of how far they could go with Valentine's! *shudders* If I never read another pumpkin-sex fic, it'll be too soon. They find me. Every year.

Thursday 6 February 2020

Comics Wrap-Up - Will You Meet 'Em When The End Comes Reeling?

 ***All links in this post are commission links. This means I earn commission from purchases made in the US*** 

Please do not use my links to make UK purchases.

Comics Wrap-Up title image with notebook-style lined background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

It's Thursday, I have my emo/metal playlist on, so you know I mean business - let's get some comics-y goodness!

Friday 24 January 2020

Friday Fics Fix - Can Klaus Get A Boo?

 ***All links in this post are commission links. This means I earn commission from purchases made in the US*** 

Please do not use my links to make UK purchases.

'...Miraculously, it held under his weight, and he shimmied down it with an ease that could have been described as elegance if his leather hot-pants weren’t squealing against the metal piping.'

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Who would be climbing down a drainpipe in leather hot-pants?

Klaus Hargreeves, of course!

(This is the first time I'm reccing an Umbrella Academy fic in 2020 - I think I've shown a lot of restraint 😅)

Friday 17 January 2020

Friday Fics Fix - Undead, Not Unreasonable

'There is a key scraping the inside of the lock, and the door was swinging open, the monster standing inside of the doorway, blocking any other view. He is smiling, his horrible fangs fully shown, in the flickering candlelight of the room.'

Fics Fix! title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

The established king of vampires is, and always will be, Dracula.

Since 1897, it's been adapted time and again, becoming the fundamental core of vampire fiction and media.

Friday 29 November 2019

Friday Fics Fix - Angsty Bear

'He set his jaw and raised his eyes at Steve.

“How did you know what it feels like?”

He was genuinely afraid and somehow calm at the same time.'

Fics Fix! title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

I'm sure I've mentioned (probably waaay too much) that, at heart, I'm a li'l emo child.

I love the dark sh**, ok? It cheers me up! 😅

And luckily fanfiction has enough Angst (yep, with a capital 'A' - we mean business dearest nerdlets!) to keep even the most gothic of emo children happy.

Friday 22 November 2019

Friday Fics Fix - No More False Starts

Sorry if you saw this post appear briefly yesterday. I hit the publish button instead of the 'save' 😅 - ok, let's resume our regular service:

'“How was deducing the relationship status of the entire jury relevant?”'

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Well-written Johnlock!

Now that that has brought every M/M-loving Sherlockian's head up like a li'l meerkat, lemme tell you about this awesome well-written Johnlock I found!

(Fangirling notes:

Johnlock - John Watson and Sherlock Holmes (usually from BBC's Sherlock) having a romantic and/or sexual relationship.

Sherlockian - BBC Sherlock fan)

Friday 18 October 2019

Friday Fics Fix - HP Halloween: Star-Crossed Rumors

'...But it wasn’t a dream and he was fully clothed. When he looked back over at the group of girls, they giggled even harder, whispering to each other'

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Yes! It's time for another week of HP Halloween!

Because October = Harry Potter fanfiction.

I don't make the rules I just... wait, no, I do make the rules! Yay me! 😆

(...I'ma blame the caffeine. #JustSaying. 😅)

Friday 4 October 2019

Friday Fics Fix - HP Halloween Begins!

'Malfoy looks shocked, like a deer caught in headlights, nowhere to run and just staring wide eyed at Ron, pushing Harry towards him. Suddenly Hermione realises what Luna meant: the bet.'

Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

It's October! Which means a whole month's worth of Harry Potter fanfiction, 'Friday Fics Fix' posts, here at Dora Reads!

(Because that way I can avoid Halloween-themed fics and therefore hopefully avoid reading things I can't un-read. 😅)

Friday 27 September 2019

Friday Fics Fix - Light and Dark

'There was a noise somewhere but he couldn't make it out. He tried to call for help but it wasn't words, just a distressed sound and more tears.'

fics fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

I love Oliver Queen, aka The Green Arrow, and the show he's the lead of - which is handily named Arrow. 😅

(Also handily, this was the first in the CW's DC series, known collectively as 'Arrowverse')

Oliver's had something of a rough life. 

I mean, the first 20-something years were pretty sweet - he was the priviliged trust fund party-boy with little regard for what substances he was sticking in his body, and the feelings of his romantic partners.

(I was gonna make a dodgy pun there, but thankfully resisted. If you can figure out what it would've been, then you've probably read as much fanftiction as I have! 😅)

Thursday 12 September 2019

Thursday 15 August 2019

Comics Wrap-Up - It's A Beautiful Thing When Boy Meets Boy

Comics Wrap-Up title image with manga-style woman handing her living-shadow a flower

It's Thursday, and that means it's time for superheroes and all the comics-y goodness! Woo! 😀

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Month in Review(s) - July 2019

July was too goddamned hot.

July - Gorffenaf title graphic with really big sun at the bottom and puffy clouds and stuff
I spelled Gorffennaf wrong in the graphic - oops! 😅

I'm not built for anything past 23C, and it hit, like 31C.

I know to some of you who live in hotter places than the UK, that's nothing but... it's really not nothing to us!

I'm not a nice person when I'm hot - I'm grumpy af and just want to make the world suffer.

Also, I live in Wales. Summer is traditionally one big rain shower - WTAF with this heat?!

Friday 2 August 2019

Friday Fics Fix - Rub-a-Dub

'Draco may have screamed (in a very manly and authoritative way, he later insisted to Harry) when he saw the state of the bathroom.'

Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Sometimes, with fanfiction, you only have two choices: fun and fluffy... or things you can't unsee.

I mean, I don't make the rules, I just read the fics.

Friday 12 July 2019

Friday Fics Fix - 3-For-1 Boarding-School Special

I normally recommend one fic a week in these posts. This week, I'm gonna rec three.

Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Why? Because I can't choose between them.

And now I've given up trying - I'm just gonna give 'em to you, with a bit of info about each!

Friday 28 June 2019

Friday Fics Fix - Murder House Party!

“You guys seem really chill about all this,” observed Ben. “By this point most people are running around screaming.”

“Occupational hazard,” said Klaus.

“I’ve lost a lot of blood,” said Diego. “I’m just accepting everything at face value right now.”

Fics Fix title image with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

If there's one thing that Netflix has got me obsessed with as much as Umbrella Academy, it's American Horror Story.

(Only on season 2 #NoSpoilersPlease!)

Friday 7 June 2019

Friday Fics Fix - How They Swing

'"Ryan and I are the best couple," he said.

Tommy held up a fist to bump. "Sell it, man. It would be hilarious if you won." Chad left him hanging with his hand in the air'

Fics Fix title image w/ purple background and white lightning bolt shape

High School Musical 2.

You all familiar? It's the one with the golf club and swimming pool and all that.