Tuesday 16 February 2021

Month in Review(s) - January 2021

(Warning: this post discusses Coronavirus/Covid 19)

On a personal level, January sucked. Bad.

My beautiful Nan got Covid, and combined with her other health problems, despite the fact that she had very few symptoms, we nearly lost her. 

There are very few things more distressing than watching someone you love slowly fade away via video link.

'January' spelled out in scrabble tiles, with 'Ionawr' written beneath it

Honestly? If you're STILL not taking Coronavirus seriously, you can fuck the hell off.

And, dearest nerdlets, you know how upset I have to be to swear without censoring myself. 

I really wanna delete a few letters and add *s, but I'm not gonna, cos despite the fact that I'm a nice well-brought-up Welsh girl, that's how annoyed I am, and how much you suck if you're one of the selfish people who still isn't taking precautions.

Still having UK Amazon Associateship issues, so PLEASE DON'T USE MY LINKS TO MAKE UK PURCHASES - US purchases only, because I still have my American Associateship.

I'm starting work on a blogpost explaining the whole frustrating thing, which will be up soon unless they suddenly resolve the problem (which seems less and less likely, tbh.)

On a more positive note, this year's version of The Bookish Diversity Link List is up!

This is a resources list that I started back in 2016, gathering links to spread and promote diversity in books. 💖

dividing line

Most Popular Posts

#1. Seriously Reducing My Goodreads Challenge Goal Because 2020

#2. Nerd Church - Working From Home More? It's Time To Set Some Work/Life Boundaries

#3. Comics Wrap-Up - Be A Burning Star If It Takes All Night

#4. Month in Review(s) - October 2020

#5. Friday Fics Fix - Haunting Metaphors (...and I'm Blaming the Coffee)

#6. The Bookish Diversity Link List 2021

#7. Friday Fics Fix - My Stand-Out Fics of 2020

#8. Comics Wrap-Up - I've Got All These Demons Hiding Underneath

#9. Friday Fics Fix - Soft But Stabby

#10. Friday Fics Fix - Slightly-Stabby Protectiveness

...I think what we've learnt here is that you're all hungry for Umbrella Academy fanfiction and have an appreciation of the word 'stabby' 😅

(Have no fear, I can fulfil both desires! Lol.)

dividing line

Non-Review Posts

Comics Wrap-Up

'Comics Wrap-Up' with lined-notebook-style background and speech bubbles containing heart symbols

Everyone Is Trying, Everyone Is Shining - Loki, Elliot Page, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, and much more!

These Words Are All I Have So I Write Them - Marvel's What If...? and more

My Name Is No-One The Long Lost Son - Captain America takes on white supremacists and more

Don't Wreck Your Brain, It'll Be Alright - Graphic novel reviews & more

Friday Fics Fix

'Fics Fix!' with purple background and white lightning bolt shape

Avengers! Ghosts! Buzzfeed Unsolved! - Avengers tower is haunted, and Peter Parker is way more excited about this than he should be!

Haunting Metaphors (...and I'm Blaming the Coffee) - Reginald Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy is your inner critic, and I drank too much coffee and started talking about Freud. Good times.

Slightly-Stabby Protectiveness - Another Umbrella Academy fic, with all the siblings going mama-bear when they think Klaus is in trouble - especially Diego

After the Fall - Much the M/M Johnlock (Sherlockian) angst

Nerd Church

'Dear 2021...' written in fancy writing on a piece of paper, on top of a desk which for some reason also has a bunch of tulips on it'The Writer Diaries: 4 Random Realisations About Writing' with a lined-paper background 

'What's Behind the Covid Arts and Crafts Boom?' with yarn and knitting needles'A Simple Sleep Game To Help You Get A Good Night's Snooze' against a starry night sky background

Dear 2021... - All you have to do is be better than 2020 - it's a low bar!

The Writer Diaries: 4 Random Realisations About Writing

What's Behind the Covid Arts and Crafts Boom?

A Simple Sleep Game To Help You Get A Good Night's Snooze

Other Non-Review Posts

The Bookish Diversity Link List 2021

Month in Review(s) - December 2020

That was my January, how was yours?

Tell me something happy if you can! Feel free to commiserate with me if you can't! 💖💬

You can follow me on Twitter @CeeDoraReads, on Pinterest, and on Dora Reads @ BlogLovin. For more ways to support me, check out the Support Me page

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  1. Ugh, I'm so sorry about your nan, Cee. Honestly, when talking about people who aren't taking this thing seriously, the word fuck is completely needed. I have no sympathy for people who are not following the rules. Sometimes I think I'm sounding a little too harsh, but when I see innocent people getting sick and dying, I can't help but think about all the people who aren't taking it seriously.

    1. Just... there are people on the news complaining they can't go on holidays and to night clubs, and using mental health as an excuse (I *know* mental health is under strain right now - but my mental health would be better if I knew people were *safe,*) and my Nan is struggling with a serious downturn in her general health and quality of life after this and the selfish people out there just wanna go to Spain for 2 weeks and think that's the worst thing ever! ARGH!

      Yes, I hate swearing, but fuck them. Just fuck them.

  2. I gasped when I read about your Nan! I too get so angry at the selfish people who are taking this pandemic seriously--just yesterday the US reported over 500K people have died in our country alone. I've started wearing double masks when I go out, which is only to doctor appointments, the library to pick up holds or return books, and last week I gave blood. I refuse to eat inside a restaurant and for our anniversary we purchased curbside food. I hope February has been so much better for you and your family.

    1. Unfortunately I can't say February's been any better - Nan's health is very on-edge and it's been incredibly stressful.

      Over 5k have died in Wales alone - I know that in comparison to 500k (that number... so awful,) it doesn't seem like much. But we have a population of just over 3 million in total. Everyone knows someone who has died, and everyone knows several people who have been ill with Covid. Some communities have been utterly devastated. We're still in Lockdown here, so for my mother's birthday we had takeaway Chinese food - I don't understand people who want pubs and nightclubs open more than they want people to survive this.

    2. I'm sorry about your Nan's health remaining poor. Any loss of life is horrible and I also don't get the life-risking activity with opening public places where you can't wear a mask (eating and drinking). So selfish and cruel. Take care!


Comments? I love comments! Talk to me nerdlets!